Llandudno...Model Railway shows Deganwy when it was once a beautiful town!

These are lovely models that show Deganwy when it was actually a decent place. The hotel has had a hideous extension, The Grade II Trainstation was demolished as it was left to rot, and the stunning Bus depot was torn down a couple of years ago for a supermarket.

The rest of Deganwy ids full of blocks of flats, tourism died there a long time ago.

COLWYN Model Railway Club will be hosting their first annual Model Railway show for two years later this month.

As soon as restrictions were lifted last year the club reopened with strict COVID-19 safety measures, and the members agreed to try and return to having an exhibition in 2022.

A club spokesperson said: “We decided to fully upgrade and out major layout using online research, we made the layout as accurate as possible a representation of Deganwy Station on the branch line to the terminus station of Llandudno in the late 1950s.”

“The improvements in the layout were an incredible antidote to 18 months of COVID lockdowns and sitting at home.”

The layout has been developed over a number of years and had previously been seen on a number of occasions.

Since last being shown five years ago, it has seen radical improvements, including the use of the more prototypically correct PECO Bullhead track.

The scenery has been upgraded and the detail better defined using the many photographs of the period that have become available on the internet.

The club, which is made up of 18 members, has been going for 58 years and has its own premises in Abergele (Unit ½, Compton Yard, Chapel Street), where members meet on Monday and Thursday evenings.

The exhibition will take place at Craig y Don Community Centre from 10am on July 23 and 24, running until 5pm on the first day and 4pm on the second day.

