Why are there fewer Welsh speakers than ever?

 I would say for the following reasons and what needs to be done...

1, Too many OAP Retirement Builds

2, Too many houses sold to people from England.

3, The Welsh Language should be compulsory in all schools.

4, All Jobs should be Welsh speakers, first

5, Welsh Businesses with Welsh Speaking should be taxed less

6, Asylum seekers should be made to speak Welsh.

7, Welsh speakers should be given priority for housing,

Basically, it is about respecting the Welsh culture and not allowing it to be treated as badly as it is.

The 2021 census has confirmed there are fewer Welsh speakers than ever in Wales. The number has dropped by 20,000 over the last 10 years.

In March 2021, 538,000 people aged three or older said they could speak Welsh - this is around 23,700 (1.2%) fewer people than in 2011. These figures mean the percentage of people aged three years or older able to speak Welsh in 2021 was at a record low of 17.8%.

Figures show that, in 2021, almost three-quarters (74.8%) of the population aged three years or older had no Welsh language ability, which is an increase from 73.3% in 2011. But why do you think this is?

What would you say are the main reasons behind this drop? Is Welsh used enough in our everyday life? Is it taught enough in schools and colleges?



  1. The Welsh language needs to be respected and those who move or live here who are non welsh speaking need to learn welsh


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