Sub Regional Children’s Assessment Unit FOI Request Regarding Risk To Public!

This is a very fair request to be honest regarding risk from the occupants to other children and residents.

There was no public consultation regarding this development and the council quickly put in a four-week demolition order on the site to clear away the 300-year-old welsh cottage and barn!

It seems very underhanded I must say. 

The development is split with health so the person submitting the request has done both a request to Social Services and the NHS.

Dear Conwy County Borough Council,

Please can you provide the following information..

1, Why was public consultation not sought over the proposed unit?
2, Will the unit be residential?
3, Will any of the children placed there have
a, Criminal Convictions?
b, Sexual abuse convictions?
4, Will the children and the unit be supervised at all times?
5, Will the children be allowed out unsupervised into the community at any time?

Thank You

Yours faithfully,

We wait with baited breath!


  1. Shocking, so no public consultation and delinquents will be running wild all over the place!

  2. sad to see this all stripped out and turned into flats.

    1. What the hell are you on about.

  3. You should have posted the link in!


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