Colwyn Bay...SPAB Contacts The Council Over Destruction Of Grade II Listed Colwyn Foulkes Home!


The work stopped at the Grade II house today.

A representative from SPAB (Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) Has confronted the council over their failure to stop the illegal work on the Historic House.

The Press have also picked up on the story and Neighbors are now being interviewed.

A big Thank you to Darren Millar (wonderful as always) and David Jones for writing to the council with their concerns.

Conwy Council need to get their act together and start to work and listen to the community, they have enough, staff, time, and money for new flats and houses, but not for conservation.

McCoubrey needs to get his act together and try to show some interest in Heritage even if he hates old buildings.


  1. I raise a serious question - why mention the apparent ethnicity of the new owners? An inappropriate and possibly racist comment that needs calling out? Reference your post on 27th Aug last that includes a picture of sword waving Muslim people - a developing theme on your blog, perhaps? I hope not but, please, Mrs Colwyn Bay 2, give more consideration to your posts. I trust that will not delete this comment.

    1. The comment was not by myself but appeared on facebook, so you need to address the original posting, and neibours not I, as to posting, the blog covers all forms or racism, and runs a balanced argument depending on the issue. The owners are apparently just down the road, but the concern over who they are which is apparently now known, was that they may not be aware of the legal process for a Listed building.

  2. That said, I support the main thrust of your article, ie that this house should be restored with respect to its heritage and status as a listed building. As per my previous comment, please do not edit or delete this comment, the two need to be read in conjunction with one another.

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